Empowering and Reducing Fear in Clients with Back Pain  Joanne Bezzina
9:00 AM09:00

Empowering and Reducing Fear in Clients with Back Pain Joanne Bezzina

Join Jo for an insightful session focused on crafting safe, creative, and engaging Pilates sessions tailored for clients with back pain, discomfort, or specific conditions. In this workshop, Jo will delve into the use of props to enhance proprioception, explore innovative approaches to manipulating tempo, load, and levers, and discuss strategies on how we can reframe movement to reduce the fear complex – the key to winning clients over.

Thank you to Pilates Anytime for this image.

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From the Ground Up- creating a whole body workout from the perspective of the feet
10:00 AM10:00

From the Ground Up- creating a whole body workout from the perspective of the feet

Join us for a creative and practical workshop that will redefine your approach to Pilates programming from the ground up. Inspired by Pilates' principles of whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath, this workshop focuses on the often overlooked area of ​​the feet.

Through several targeted exercises and releases, you will not only deepen your understanding of foot biomechanics, but also learn how this knowledge can be incorporated into your Pilates instruction. You will learn how to reconsider the exercises you already know using different equipment, gravity direction, and range of motion, and how to instruct your clients with a focus on foot fitness.

By participating in this workshop, you will learn strategies to improve foot and ankle function and learn tactile techniques. Additionally, this holistic approach will help you get the most out of your studio sessions.

Step into a creative and practical workshop experience that redefines your approach to Pilates programming from the ground up. Inspired by the foundational principles of Mr. Pilates- whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath, this workshop places a spotlight on the often- overlooked aspect of our anatomy: the feet.

Through a series of targeted exercises and releases, participants will not only gain a deeper understanding of foot biomechanics but also learn how to seamlessly incorporate this knowledge into their broader Pilates teaching practice. We'll reframe familiar exercises from differnt appartus, orientations to gravity and ranges of motion, empowering you to instruct your clients with a focus on foot fitness.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a set of strategies to enhance foot and ankle function, including tactile techniques. More importantly, you'll grasp the art of structuring studio sessions to maximize the benefits derived from this holistic approach.

Thank you to Pilates Anytime for this image.

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Programming for the sway-back postural bias
2:00 PM14:00

Programming for the sway-back postural bias

In this workshop, we shine a light on a common postural bias - the sway back/fatigue posture, and explore insights that go beyond repetitive cues or blanket corrections. By understanding the patterns associated with this postural bias, we equip instructors to effectively guide clients towards ease and enjoyment of movement, increasing strength and stability.

The approach of this workshop is rooted in empowerment, rejecting the notion of 'fixing' clients and instead embracing their potential when supported from the outset. This workshop also acknowledges the variability of posture and that it is a consideration rather than an end goal.

Aligned with the foundational principles of Mr. Pilates - whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath - this workshop aims encourage teachers to support their clients beyond the studio environment. While we include specific releases and exercises tailored to target challenging areas, our ultimate aim is to incorporate these intentions into whole-body programming strategies.

Thank you to Pilates Anytime for this image.

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Mat Masterclass
6:00 PM18:00

Mat Masterclass

90-minute intermediate to advanced level mat masterclass focusing on spinal mobility in all planes. This will be facilitated by incorporating the props- chi balls and theraband.

Participants can expect a class with creative transitions and flow. Participants will be invited to transfer their knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics to the traditional mat Pilates repertoire. The class will examine the effect of breath, load, leverage, and forces of pull and push.

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3:00 PM15:00

The Art of Hands on Adjustments

I am excited to present this workshop for the first time for the FÖMME Festival in Sydney.

Explore the significance of intentional tactile cueing, learning its affects on skeletal position, muscular tone, and neurological responses. Discover how to match position, force, pressure, and tempo to achieve specific intentions, fostering a deeper connection with your students. Gain invaluable insights and practical techniques to enhance your teaching approach, creating a nurturing and transformative environment for your students.

Join me to explore this important teaching tool further. Purchase your tickets here.

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Christchurch NZ Workshop Tour
to Nov 24

Christchurch NZ Workshop Tour

  • Movementor Pilates (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This November I’ll be visiting Christchurch to teach private sessions, mat classes and two workshops. I can’t wait!

I’ll be offering four programs while I’m there

  • 90 minute Props Masterclass Focused on breath

  • From the Ground Up: An exploration of the feet and their contribution to a whole body workout.

  • Fun and Flowing Morning Mat Class

  • The Sway Back Posture: A practical workshop discussing the attributes of the sway back posture and ideas to program effectively for this type of client.

Tickets are available through the Polestar New Zealand website. Contact Abbey at Movementor to book in private classes while I’m in town too.

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Pilates Method Alliance- Magic Circle Mat Class
to Oct 25

Pilates Method Alliance- Magic Circle Mat Class

  • Pilates Method Alliance Conference 2019 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I will be teaching two classes at the 2019 PMA conference. This year’s conference will be held in Monterey California. I am excited to present a fun, flowing class using the prop that so many love to hate- the magic circle!

My goal for the class is for everyone to feel a deeper connection to their body, to the magic circle and to their friends around the room. It is a fabulous opportunity to redirect the conference content inwardly and focus on ourselves (there will be plenty of time to learn for our clients’ sake later).

Let’s have some fun!

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Spark Festival Panel Discussion
5:30 PM17:30

Spark Festival Panel Discussion

I’m part of a panel discussion led by Ingrid Thompson from Healthy Numbers. I’ll be joining Dylan Mullen from Happy Skin Co and Fatema Saifee from The Chai Room. Our three businesses are all about well-being and creating healthier and happier people. We’ll be talking about what it’s like running a business in 2019, it would be great to see you there. Tickets are still available and all proceeds go to Orange Sky Laundry.

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Brisbane Workshops and Masterclases
to Jul 29

Brisbane Workshops and Masterclases

Join me at The Body Refinery in Brisbane for a weekend of Pilates exploration. We'll move together, make connections between mind and body and share our love of the genius behind the Pilates Method. These are masterclasses and workshops that will move you and motivate you. You’ll want to share it all with your clients first thing on Monday morning.

“Education means inspiring someone’s mind not just filling their head and that is exactly how I felt after this morning. Thank you so much” Marjorie, Perth

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Mat Session- Teaching Skills Study Group
2:00 PM14:00

Mat Session- Teaching Skills Study Group

How are you doing with the sign off requirements for your Pilates mat teaching course? Do you need help with how best to set up an exercise? Are you able to use imagery and tactile cues effectively with the group you are teaching? Come along to this teaching skills session where the pressure is off. You can practice with your fellow students and increase your confidence. 

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Studio Session- Teaching Skills Study Group
10:00 AM10:00

Studio Session- Teaching Skills Study Group

How are you doing with the sign off requirements for your studio course? Do you need help with how best to set up an exercise? Are you able to use imagery and tactile cues effectively with the person you are teaching? Come along to this teaching skills session where the pressure is off. You can practice with your fellow students and increase your confidence. 

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