In this workshop, we shine a light on a common postural bias - the sway back/fatigue posture, and explore insights that go beyond repetitive cues or blanket corrections. By understanding the patterns associated with this postural bias, we equip instructors to effectively guide clients towards ease and enjoyment of movement, increasing strength and stability.
The approach of this workshop is rooted in empowerment, rejecting the notion of 'fixing' clients and instead embracing their potential when supported from the outset. This workshop also acknowledges the variability of posture and that it is a consideration rather than an end goal.
Aligned with the foundational principles of Mr. Pilates - whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath - this workshop aims encourage teachers to support their clients beyond the studio environment. While we include specific releases and exercises tailored to target challenging areas, our ultimate aim is to incorporate these intentions into whole-body programming strategies.
Thank you to Pilates Anytime for this image.